About Hiranandani Keralite Association

The aim of HKA, Hiranandani Keralite Association is, in one sentence, to create a united caring and sharing community within this complex.

HKA is a common platform where keralites can meet, discuss common problems, relax over music, theatre, malayali food and enjoy one another's company.


Hiranandani Gardens Powai is an integrated modern township ideal to celebrate a wholesome community life. The Keralites living in this micro city are high income group mostly businessmen, senior executives and celebrities. The complex has about 3000 families from various communities like Maharashtrians, Sindhis, Marwaris, Punjabis, Gujaratis, Bengalis and out of 3000 families Keralites are only about 100 to 120 and thus form a minority segment. This has caused a cultural panic to set in and to protect, preserve and enhance tradition, culture and relationship of Keralites, HKA was formed and registered under society act.

Philosophy, People, Program

The philosophic anchor of HKA is mutual co-operation and mutual support. HKA aims to develop the synergy of diverse talents and resources of its members and their families to develop a dynamic community.

The synergy of dynamic harmony has two aspects, 1. The organic harmony which is natural and visible. 2. The architectonic harmony is the harmony which needs to identify, develop, unleash and distribute for the benefit of the self, family and the society.

The families settled in Hiranandani Complex are entitled to join members of HKA upon fulfilling membership formalities. The detailed profile of all the family members are gathered and complied so that the taste, talents etc of the members could be of use for the community pool.

This platform should provide a meeting ground for hardworking businessmen, executives, professionals, even students to meet and enlarge their circle of friends, acquaintances, develop new interests or just exchange views. Members should meet regularly in a relaxed and quite atmosphere and an ambience that induces friendship on a personal level.

Every member should complement the other and the whole community will form as an extended family.

Program: Work towards a common agenda through collaborative activities.

No man is an island and it is necessary in a society, each one should complement the other. One who has compassionate eyes can find many are suffering from loneliness and scarcity, particularly the scarcity of time, care and understanding.

Fellowship and Service are the cherished goals of HKA. By knowing each other a sense of security and dependability among the members will generate harmony and peace. The weakest link of a family and community are to be understood and programs are to be worked upon to address such weak links like children, youth and ladies due to some social system failures.

Organization will pay special attention to the under-privileged among us like domestics, cooks and other low income groups. We are together in ensuring they are not exploited in any way and that some of our collective resources can go to help them raise themselves in society.

Our youngsters deserve special attention. We could offer a medium for marital alliances.

HKA is committed to promote the welfare of its members, when some unexpected contingencies arise and HKA should be a source of help and solace.

Objectives of HKA

HKA aims at: (Let's initially set our target at easily achievable goals before setting our sight at the horizon)

  • Organize seminars symposium and other educative and brain stimulating sessions for better ideas for lifestyle improvement and improved communications and general health.
  • Organize traditional cooking, modern presentation of cooked food etc for better health and fun.
  • Organize literary, artistic, sports and social actions for exploring and showcasing talents of children and woman.
  • Induce interest in the youth to appreciate the values of our traditions and culture by introducing interesting and innovative ideas.
  • Organize medical checkups or get pathological tests done from reliable sources within homely comforts, at concessional rates. This will be very useful for children, women and especially elderly people at home.
  • Collective bargaining and deep discounts on goods and services for members.
  • Pooling of the available resources among HKA Members like cars, drivers for use of unexpected requirements.
  • Restore and enhance human dignity of the needy and marginalized like maids, servants, drivers and security personnel etc. (to start with) who make the lives of HKA members comfortable, by way of charity and kind gesture.
  • HKA can develop a holiday village/villages in multiple locations where every interested member will have a farmhouse, ayurvedic rejuvenation facilities and fun and wellness facilities particularly for children and youth. Family functions can be held with unique style and privileges in such places. Members can avail agricultural tax benefits and other government incentives. Members will get involvement in farming activities that will promote good health and stress relief. This arrangement can be considered for community based second home on time share basis and explore possibility of a luxurious retirement lifestyle.
  • Cultural exchange promotion ideas with international counter parts settled in other countries through workable mechanism.
  • Create awareness on merits of Organ Donations.

Our Social Commitments:

HKA can make significant changes in the lives of the marginalized and poor, like maids, servants, drivers and security personnel etc. (to start with) who make the lives of HKA members comfortable, through its various developmental programmes, like:

  • Distribution of cooked food / food materials/ family kit to underprivileged people,
  • Distribution of student's kits and offer of Sponsorships to the needy students.
  • Organize medical camps/ medical facilities for the benefit of underprivileged people around us.
  • Support children with HIV/AIDS or CAAs and CLHAs through authorized participating NGOs,
  • Promote the social and developmental activities such as charity visits, donations in cash and kind, medical camps, vocational training courses and social visits in different areas.


  1. Whenever fund from HKA's kitty to be used, it will be after the verification and recommendation of HKA Sub-committee for Charities for deserving cases.
  2. All deserving cases proposed by any member may be put up in our HKA website, requesting for sponsorship from big hearted members.

Our Strength

  • Dedicated and committed personnel
  • Laudable benefit of strategic location and infrastructure to reach out
  • Generous and successful Keralites in various fields, making Hiranandani Gardens Powai their proud address.
  • Networking of the likeminded people, Keralites as well as Non-Keralites, spread throughout Mumbai.
  • Guidance from many Malayalies who made and make Kerala proud with their excellent service to Govt of Maharashtra.
  • Good support from Hiranandani Builders for any workable noble cause.

Our Weakness

  • Insufficient professionally qualified personal
  • Language problem
  • Insufficient funds
  • Insufficient land, training and animation centers.
  • Insufficient knowledge about local culture and other religions
  • Insufficient awareness, planning and reflection on social action at certain levels.
  • Complacency about charity and Institutional work.
  • Lack of formalized HR, Finance and Work Place Policy
  • Insufficient Resources
Copyright © 2012 Hiranandani Keralite Association. All rights reserved