Welcome to the Hiranandani Keralite Association

The aim of HKA, Hiranandani Keralite Association is, in one sentence, to create a united caring and sharing community within this complex.

HKA is a common platform where keralites can meet, discuss common problems, relax over music, theatre, malayali food and enjoy one another's company.

Hiranandani Gardens Powai is an integrated modern township ideal to celebrate a wholesome community life. The Keralites living in this micro city are high income group mostly businessmen, senior executives and celebrities. The complex has about 3000 families from various communities like Maharashtrians, Sindhis, Marwaris, Punjabis, Gujaratis, Bengalis and out of 3000 families Keralites are only about 100 to 120 and thus form a minority segment. This has caused a cultural panic to set in and to protect, preserve and enhance tradition, culture and relationship of Keralites, HKA was formed and registered under society act.

HKA Powai
Copyright © 2012 Hiranandani Keralite Association. All rights reserved